Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Tried work again yesterday morning. At least I'm trying. I was able to get in a good 4 1/2 hours before my body revolted. My head wanted to stay, but I thankfully listened to my body. Slept a couple of hours at my in-laws while waiting for my husband to finish work. Did I mention we both work at the same place and for his parents? This fact has made the recoveries from both these fusions so much easier, as I don't have to worry when to go back to work, I can set my own hours and I can get to all the after care appointments with ease. I am so thankful for this situation. We did go for a walk last evening. Can't miss my walk. However, after doing half the normal stair climbing and not really resting after one mile, I was one low-energy, weak-legged fusion patient. My cardio is just energy still highly sucks. I tried to put on a happy face, as I told myself that at least I accomplished something by going to work...but by early evening I was in so much pain I broke down and took 1/2 Percocet. My right hip was on fire and my low back was aching the worst since the day after surgery. It feels like a setback, though I know I just overdid it. I'm still having extreme trouble with the whole sleep process...maybe it's the pre-menopause thing going on too along with this recovery. But I am not able to get a decent  night's sleep. It's that simple. I do not want to take any type of sleep aid, as those highly interfere with anti-depressants. However I am also unable to really work out hard in order to get that exhausted feeling for a really good night's sleep like before the surgery. It's a catch-22. I guess if that's my only complaint at this point in my recovery then I am lucky. My sleep clock will reset itself once all this mumbo-jumbo with recovery is on the wane. Until then I'll continue counting sleep....err.....sheep.

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